Die Unabwendbare
Concentration within movement.
In sequence space makes movement perceptible
as a changing of one status into another.
This means transience.
This means time.
This means finiteness.
ATROPOS - the unavoidable -
to perceive and accept it, that means life.
sheeting / wood / wire / marbles
protection / artificiality / helplessness / fall / everyday life /
waste / decay / fear / past / childhood /
dreams / sequence / movement /
tide / seasons / primitive times / heart / beat / water / leaving /
Hoppecke / homeland / source of energy / life / love / death /
colours / tones / sounds /
images of sound
collage of sound, by voice, water, a spoon and a glass
Sketch sheets, 1986 / 1987/ 1988, ink, crayon, felt pen, water colour, 26 x 21 cm
The sketches pinned on the wall - just done, within an open process, fluttering, illustrating different situations - everyday, trivial, static, wild, emotional - men and the column of a Roman church, man and woman, encounter, fruit, torch, field of tension, high-tech medicine
IN BEWEGUNG In movement, one work, twelve pieces - a self contained process, expressing different circumstances and different sensations. Ink and crayon on card, 1987
AUAMÜHLE, objects made of cardboard by Lutz Graaf
Tuschen, 1987